Friday, November 13, 2009

Blood Donation Camp

Blood Donation Camp, which was held in Bikaner by Leo Club on 13-11-2009, n members took actively part in that camp and our few members also donated the blood which is commendable, their names are as follows:

1.Lalit parihar
3.Himanshu Aggarwal
4.Dilip Tanwar
5.Sandeep Parihar
6.Navneet Behal
7.Pawan Kumar Behal
8.Kailash Khatri

2.Sumit Sharma(VICE PESIDENT)
3.Arihant Musraf(SECRETORY)
4.Gaurav Kumawat,
5.Lalit Parihar
6.Rohit Gupta
7.Govind Binani.

They made our LEO CLUB proud and we hope that, in future they will also work with same dedication.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Update:: Blood camp

Leo Club is cordially inviting all the members to the Blood Camp at Lions club Bikaner on November 13, 2009 at 9 am. It's not only restricted to the members, anyone can come and give the blood if he/she wishes to.

Venue - Lions Seva Sadan

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Leo Club Post Holder's Information for year 2009-10

Here is the very first roster for the club:










Monday, November 9, 2009

The very first installation ceremony of Leo Club Bikaner

Leo Club came into existence on November 8, 2009 and it has celebrated its arrival with ceremony that we call installation ceremony. Below are the moments of the ceremony:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

:::UPDATE:::Installation Ceremony

Members, finally the time has come when LEO Club, Bikaner will come into existence. The LEO Club installation ceremony is scheduled to be on November 8, 2009 at Lions Club Bikaner. All the members are cordially invited with their families.

LEO Club: What's that?

LEO Club Bikaner

Why Join?
Leo clubs are an official activity of Lions Clubs International that encourages young men and women to serve others in their community and around the world.
Leo clubs are sponsored by local lions clubs and may be either school-affiliated or community based. The Bikaner Lions Club sponsors our club

Leo club activities include regular meetings, service projects and social functions.
The Leo motto - Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity - is fulfilled as members work together in response to the needs of others.

What's in it for me?
- Leadership Experience
- Organization
- Social Skills
- Self Esteem
- Decision Making Skills
- Teamwork
- Problem Solving Skills
- Career Possibilities
- Fun
What's In it for the Community?
- Creates Awareness of Community Needs
- Helps Improve community and youth relationships
- Enhances community development
- Improves quality of life for recipients and givers
- Helps the quality of life of others
- Opportunity for youth to volunteer service
Typical Leos Projects
- Fun - Hearing
- Environment - Citizenship
- Drug Awareness - Public Service
- Youth Welfare - Youth Exchange
- Health - School Support
- Save Sight

Who Benefits from Leo Clubs?
Young People:
Participation in Leo activities and projects helps young people prepare for the future by developing leadership, organizational and social skills. Members experience increased self-esteem and personal growth as they meet challenges and accept responsibilities.

By volunteering their time and talents for the benefit of others, Leos learn firsthand the value and rewards of service. Leo club involvement can start young men and women on a lifetime of helping others.

The Sponsoring Lions Club:
By sharing in service activities, a Leo club can increase a Lions club's effectiveness in helping others. Leo projects within the community also contribute to a Lions club's visibility and good reputation. Working with young people can help Lions club members experience renewed interest and enthusiasm for projects and activities. If Leos are sons or daughters of Lions, club involvement becomes a "family affair".
Who Can Be a Leo?
Leo club membership is open to young men and women between the ages of 12 and 26. Membership is divided into two groups, the school based Leos are generally between the ages of 12 and 17 whereas the community based clubs have members ages 18-26.

Young people of high moral standards who wish to serve others are eligible to become Leos. School administrators, Lions, friends of Lions and community leaders can provide names of potential members. Candidates may also be recruited through public announcements.

What is the Leo-Lion Relationship?
The success of a Leo club depends on a close partnership with its sponsoring Lions club (Bikaner Lions Club). The Lions' role is to offer support, guidance and counsel while the Leos are responsible for planning and implementing their own activities, financing their projects and maintaining the smooth operation of the club. Leos have their own club officers and constitution.

The Leo club advisor (a member of the sponsoring Lions club) serves as the chief liaison between the Leo and Lions clubs. Duties of the advisor include offering constructive suggestions to the Leos, reporting on their activities to the Lions club and promoting a cooperative relationship between the two clubs.

The Privileges of Leo Membership?
As a sponsored activity of a Lions club, Leo clubs are entitled to many services and benefits offered by Lions Clubs International. Informational and club materials include new member kits, guides for service activities, leadership aids, ideas for fundraising, club supplies and international newsletters.

Leos can participate in the annual Lions Clubs International Convention, attending their own functions. Leos are also entitled to receive official awards and recognition for their achievements.

Because of the international scope of Leo clubs, members enjoy the global identity of a worldwide organization. International programs such as club twinning, youth exchange and youth camps enable Leos to connect with and learn from other young people around the world.

Leo Membership
When you join LEO's you become a member of a worldwide organization with more than 5500 LEO Clubs and a membership in excess of 140,000 operating under the sponsorship of Lions Clubs in 138 nations.

How Much Time will it take?
Your involvement in Leos depends on the amount of spare time you can afford.
The most important thing to remember about Leos is that:
- Leos help people in need.
- Leos help their club grow.
- Leos help their fellow Leos.
- Leos have lots of fun.
Because LEO's Care!